
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Cynosure x McCrindle Launch @ Piper Room, Woolloomooloo


 A while back, I had the privilege of attending Cynosure's Launch at the Piper Room in Woolloomooloo. Partnered with McCrindle research, we were provided with information regarding the latest market/consumer research on women's body image.

Cynosure is a manufacturer of a wide range of light-based aesthetic and medical systems. In addition to their already extensive amount of treatment, Cynosure also provides body contour and fat reduction treatments (SculpSure).

SculpSure is the world's FIRST hyperthermic laser treatment for non-invasive body contouring and fat reduction. This treatment is clinically proven to reduce fat by disrupting fat cells using a hands-free non-suction device that can simultaneously treat multiple parts of your body. This is an effective alternative solution to surgery as results can be visible 6 weeks post treatment.

I was quite surprised that 23% of women wanted to look like Jen Aniston! She is absolutely gorgeous, but if someone asked me whom I think most women would want to look like, the first name that pops into my mind is Angelina Jolie - I have no idea why. Maybe it's the naturally pouty lips.

Fat around the abdomen,  hips  and thighs are definitely the number 1 concern for me. If I put on weight, it goes to my faces. hips and thighs, followed by my stomach.

The statistics and research presented at the launch were intriguing. Body imagine is something that a lot of women struggle with, I don't know about you, but when I see my friends, I always feel that their body looks great. Whether they have put on a couple of kilograms or not, I wouldn't even notice. However, as soon as I put on a couple of kilos, I would feel awful as if the 2kgs is sticking out of my face and hips (how we all wish our additional fat would go to the right places huh? My chest receives no love). We are always our toughest judge.

I agree with the research outcome, I am mostly happy with my body, but I would LOVE to tone up around my stomach, hips and thighs, there's definitely room for improvement.

I am the worst when it comes to food, I always over eat - although currently working on moderation and portion control. I pretty much eat cake and ice cream every single day without fail. I remember having the best mum ever, she gave me Sara Lee cakes for breakfast and I can have ice cream between a piece of bread if I wanted to. I suppose with my super-human metabolism back then, I was virtually indestructible and unable to put on any excess weight.

Unfortunately this is no longer the case. So an attempt at a healthy and active lifestyle it is!

I feel that Cynosure SculpSure treatment is great for those who are unable to exercise due to health reasons, it's non-invasive (which I assume we all prefer as opposed to liposuction etc) and won't leave any scarring (or side effects/risks) like surgery would. Would you consider giving this a go?

Now I want to know, if you which celebrity you aspire to look like! I am really curious!

*Lily not Louise attended this event as a guest of Cynosure.


  1. I'd be keen to try this! Does depend on the price. Looks like a great event Lily. Very interesting figures! I don't think I'd think of Jennifer Anniston first either. I do think J-Lo is always glowing tho! And I hope you slipped those T2 sachets into your handbag like a good Asian :P (that's what I would have done!)

  2. It's a total shame I couldn't make it! I really want to try it out for the unsightly little bits.


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