
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack

Received this in my November Bellabox.

This product control pores, rid black and white heads and control oil. A little confused as to why this was in my box because I specifically indicated that I have dry skin. I have no oil to control... I put rosehip oil all over my face so my skin doesn't dry out.... this product was a bit redundant but I thought i'd try it anyway... in case by some miracle my nose decided to produce some oil and blackheads.

Came with 2 sheets.. they were hard to rip open, I had to cut an opening with a pair of scissors, even then it was difficulty. Be extremely cautious, the sheets are WET, as I ripped it open a large amount of god knows what chemicals went into my eyes. Yes it burned.

Step 1 - burned my nose.
Step 2- Some sort of serum, slimy consistency
Black cotton bud to scrape the heads off your nose after step 1

and an instruction sheet.

I'm not gonna post my before after pictures because they look exactly the same. Not a damn thing came out of my pores, I was a bit disappointed. However, my nose was a bit red after the applications - the only disparity.

I can't give you a verdict on this product, but I've heard some good reviews from other people, apparently it removed all their heads and doesn't rip your skin off like Biore strips.

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