
Friday, August 23, 2013

Birthday Post: Another Year Older - Pic Heavy

When I was 12 all I wanted to do was to grow up, I loved and looked forward to every birthday.

I had my birthday a few days ago, and I am terrified of birthdays now that I'm heading towards the mid-twenties.

My idea of a 24 year old as a child is somewhat incomparable to my current lifestyle...

  • I am still living with my parents (but honestly, with the way my mum is cooking, I never want to move out) 
  • I'm not married (Seeing all my younger high school acquaintances getting married on Facebook freaks me out)
  • I don't have children (Seeing all my younger high school acquaintances popping out children on Facebook freaks me out even more.)
  • I don't even have a car (YET... working on it!)
  • I have at least 10yrs worth of HECS debt to pay off.....
  • In the last year I left my job(s) - Noooooooo my main sources of income
I'm not sure what happened to the level of desired Independence I wished for as a teenager. Despite all, looking at the brighter side, I finish my postgrad in 3 months (Oh PHd, I will come back for your in the near future) and I was given one of the best birthdays I've had in years.

You see, I have this awfully loving and wonderful boyfriend who spoils me rotten ! ^_^
I'm not usually a "my boyfriend this and my boyfriend that" type of person... but ummm....

WOAH!!! Birthday presents attack!!!

Rilakkuma Pens - They are absolutely adorable, you click at the ears ^_^

3 Rilakkuma photo albums with pictures that summed up our year. One of the most memorable presents I've received. He had to get the photos specially customised to fit the photo albums... So much effort!!!

And some left over food pictures..

Sailor Moon Box set! I told him I was watching Sailor Moon on Youtube, on a daily basis... but I couldn't find few of the latter episodes so I stopped watching. This is a great example of active listening ... Man... I really need to brush on my present formulating skills.

A Rilakkuma bowl!!!! It's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course, a fail-proof hand made card ^_^

My lovely parents got me a profiterole cake! NOMNOMNOM

Minus the fact that I caught that terrible virus that's been hovering around. I had a great birthday. ^_^

How do you usually celebrate your birthday?


  1. belated Happy Birthday Lily! don't stress about your mid twenties.. they'll be over in a blink and you'll be heading towards the 30 +GST like myself :) that cake looks divine!!! hope you're all better :)

    1. Lily.. just wanted to add that I have HAIR 2 GO $25 Vouchers to be Won! if you're intersted! :)

    2. +GST... LOL!!!! Thank you Loz! That cake was absolutely delicious!! So much cream!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday Lily.

    When I was 24, I was married with a child, owned my own home and had a car.

    If I could be 24 again, I wouldn't be married, no children(until my 30's) and I would be travelling the world!

    Don't sweat it your life will turn out just the way it is suppose too :o)

    Your boyfriend sound lovely!!

    Jac x0x

    1. Thank you Jac! I will definitely keep your words in mind and put some money into traveling before anything else ^_^

  3. Happy Birthday dear! When's your actual day dear? You have such a lovely bf, don't be envious of others, simply be thankful for what you already have! ^_^

    And your photo album is food again, hahahahaha, you're so cute!

    <333 Celly *muacks* birthday kiss!

    1. THank you Celly!! The actual day is the 20th.

      Haha! I never though he would go and print out the food pictures as well!!! ^_^

  4. Happiest of Birthdays!

    Let me make you feel better about not being the grown up you thought you would be:

    - I'm almost 29 and still at home with the parents (I love them, they drive me mad and I'm on the fence about moving out. I want to, butI also don't want to leave them)
    - I'm almost 29 and I've been unemployed for 2 years :/
    - I'm almost 29 and I also don't have a car of my very own.
    - I'm almost 29 and my friends getting married and having kids is horrifically frightening.
    - I'm almost 29 and I'm single.
    - I'm almost.. oh you get the picture!

    I think some of us just stay really young at heart, I still feel like a little kid some days and certainly don't feel (read act) my age most of the time.

    You're only young once, don't worry too much until you really have to :D

    1. Thank you for your wishes and your words Hailey! I really appreciate them! I guess over time I become a little desensitised to the things I have around me and need a little reminder. You are right, I'm not gonna worry so the wrinkles can forget it! ^_^

  5. Hi Lily! I stalked you over here from a comment you left on my blog :) what cool birthday presents! and believe me, in your mid twenties, not being married and not having kids is brilliant. Enjoy your awesome life, I'll keep coming back to visit and see what you're up to next! cheers Bella!

  6. What an amazing bday present, you're super lucky~ Id be very happy with that!! ^^

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Lily! You have some super awesome birthday presents!!! :D


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