
Monday, October 3, 2016


This post is a little bit different to my usual posts. Today we are going to talk about sex. As much as we may have (at some point) giggled when someone mentioned the word sex back at school, this post is a little bit more serious.
Other than makeup, food and travel, there are two things I am passionate about, environmental conservation and gender equality.
Some time ago, I went for an interview where the employer asked me an obscure question, “How would you feel about being in a room full of men?”. My gut churned that it was even an interview question, how would any answer to that question particular question demonstrate my skills as a health professional? If you reverse the situation, would an interviewer ever ask a male interviewee how he would feel in a room full of women? Why does it matter whether this workplace is full or men or women? What should matter is whether the skills sets and the personality of the employee is a “right fit” for the company and the role.
Ok, you are probably thinking, what does this have to do with sex?   
This has a LOT to do with sex as a broader concept – because social expectations and the assumptions created around the gender role impacts sex and how we view sex in a significant manner. Many condom companies would often sell and communicate to male consumers only as if they have deemed men as the ultimate decider of when and if sex will occur.        
In many cultures women are considered subservient to men. This assumption is then drilled into each generation, forming a social suppression which causes women to feel that they cannot do what men can. Have a think, have you ever avoided purchasing condoms and ask your partner to get it from the chemist instead?
When I first heard from Hero Condoms, I thought wait, what? Condom reviews? It wasn’t until I managed to read through the proposition properly after work, I realised that Hero Condoms hoped to spread the message of female empowerment, they want to communicate with women, and encourage women to purchase, carry and use condoms, proudly.  

Hero Condoms had recently undergone new packaging designs (yes what you see in the photo) based on female consumer’s feedback. Hero Condoms is also doing a good deed by donating condoms to those in Botswana for every package sold, so far they have donated 500k.
This proposition caught my attention, it's a marketing technique that is worthy of supporting. As a result, I decided that I wanted to dedicate a post to Hero Condoms and their message. Why? Because women should not be judged or categorised for carrying condoms, practising safe sex and taking charge of their own health and wellbeing.

Ladies, next time you're at the Chemist, grab a packet of condoms, carry it in your bag/purse/pocket proudly and stay in the drivers seat because nothing is cooler making your own choices and being in charge of your own body.

*Condoms were provided by Hero Conditions for editorial purposes


  1. Yes, I agree with everything you've said (and I hope you told that ridiculous job interviewer where to go!). Good on Hero for empowering women, listening to women and doing their bit for gender equality!

    1. I turned the job down! :) I have never been so sure in my life that it was a company I didn't want to work for!

  2. So true! We women shouldn't be embarrassed but somehow men are cool carrying condoms and having sex but it makes a woman promiscuous! I love that this company is supporting greater causes too! What a question at that interview! gheesh!!

  3. I flipping love the title of this post Lily! That interview question was just awful. I work as an electrical engineer, and I can't even remember being asked something like that in an interview. Being the only woman in a room full of men has been a daily reality since I first started studying electrical engineering, and the subtle discrimination was awful. Love that this brand is marketing towards women and supporting a good cause. I get so turned off by those brands that have half naked people on their packaging. I also didn't realise the cultural norm of men being the one carrying condoms, and men choosing when sex will happen, until you pointed it out! I feel like it contributes to the awful 'rape culture' we live in, where men see women as objects to be used.

    1. I work for an engineering firm too! Business support side though :)

  4. Damn skippy, baby! You SHOULD be in charge of our own body, and you should be aware of what your options are!

  5. Very interesting read!! That interview question is the worst....what does that have to do with anything, except making you uncomfortable... I love this condom brand, I think it has such a good mantra and seems so down to earth.

  6. Well hooray for Hero, and well done Lily! Awesome post sweetie, and I'm with you 110%. Ridiculous interview question - I'd be avoiding that particular company like the plague if that's what their HR division can come up with... xxx

  7. The interview question is really awful. Just want to share that in our culture, we only have sex after getting married(yes it is true). But after having 2 kids, I love to be in charge of my own body and need to stock a big lot of condoms (as contraception).

  8. Hands down to you and Hero concept! I agree with you for 100 %. I'm tired of those old school masculine opinions about sex and wonen. We should definitely step up and be proud of ourselves in every way.

    Michelle Morchella

  9. I like supporting companies who are trying to give back in some way. I hope more women start carrying protection with them.

  10. Excellent post and I completely agree. I'm not in need of the product these days but I am all for it. And that interviewer sounds like a tosser of the highest order.


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