
Sunday, October 31, 2021

My Pregnancy Journey: Getting Pregnant "THE HERBAL SHIT WORKED"

This was quite a sensitive topic for me for quite a while.

My husband and I never really wanted to get married but we were both agreeable on having a child out of wedlock. You can imagine my parent's reaction when I first announced this news. Without the financial burden of a wedding we can utilise the wedding funds to purchase baby essentials. It took a while for them to come to terms, they eventually did. As always nothing went to plan, we ended up getting married and tried to kids after. 

We started trying. Every 2-3 days they said. Keep your legs up and do a head stand they said.

We both shared the preliminary mentality that babies are created in one go. That unprotected sex meant instant pregnancy - this must've lingered from high school sex ed  and mainstream movies/tv.

I did have an assumed issue, prior to 30 my periods came and gone like clockwork. As soon as 30 hit me, my periods became irregular, I experienced up to 5 days of dreadful spotting. Initially I consulted my GP because having irregular periods was foreign to me.

"What is wrong 

with my body?"

I completed a variety of tests, yearning for a diagnosis. My ultrasound was largely unremarkable other than a 3mm uterine polyp. My GP advised me that "it's fine, we will just monitor it". I decided to consult a Gynecologists who recommended the polyp to be removed to ensure that it does not affect my chances of becoming pregnant later down the track. I went with it.

My first post-polyp removal period was great. No spotting. I was thrilled and thought I was "fixed". Unfortunately the spotting resumed the following month, the month after and so forth. The Gyno couldn't explain the spotting and said "it may just be age related". Damn, 30 is old? 

A few months later my husband and I spoke about having a child - he had a steady job, I had a steady job and we received a 15k refund for our Italy honeymoon - thank you Covid. I felt "ready". We tried for approximately 3-4 months with absolutely nothing. One month, my period was a week late, I was hopeful and purchased a packet of pregnancy tests. Negative. 

The following days I had bits of really dark blood come out in small amounts. We went to my GP who said it may have been a miscarriage, I completed a blood test to confirm this. We were both quite upset until my GP called me with the results and said "You were definitely NOT pregnant, it was not a miscarriage". It was a conflicting feeling, we were both relieved yet frustrated that I just couldn't get pregnant at all. 

After the fourth month I promised my husband that I'd stop thinking about it and we stopped trying, instead I bought another packet of pregnancy tests - 12 this time. Ended up peeing on a stick every time my period was a day or two late. I experience faux "pregnancy symptoms", I felt nauseas when my periods were late.  Every pee test was negative. I used 8 pee tests from that packet. It was emotionally and physically draining.

" I wanted to find a reason

 and called my GP to get my 

husband tested. Of course, 

blame your spouse! "

We never got around to complete any further testing, my mind was preoccupied with moving houses. Eventually, I accepted the fact that we were incapable of having children and mapped out a life for two. We made grand plans to travel post covid, purchase a Sphynx cat and fill our house with French Provincial style furniture. I told my husband I wanted to buy a luxury car eventually, he nodded and said "you can do whatever you want". 

This mentality was relayed back to my mum (who was baby crazy). I told her we want to have a child, but we can't seem to make one. She understood and told me to live my best life, who needs children anyway. What a mum!

I continued to complain about the 5 days of spotting before the period gush. Thankfully I was using reusable pads but it was increasingly frustrating to wear one for 10 days out of each month. My friend Emma recommended Thompson's One A Day Vitex 1500 for period regulation. I went to Chemist Warehouse and purchased a bottle for $12.99. I also mentioned it to another friend who was suffering from intense period pains, she purchased a bottle as well. 

The online reviews stated that it worked well for acne, some period symptoms and for a few - period regulation. I am overall very healthy and active, I don't have any pre-existing medical conditions and have never been on medication other than cold and flu/some antibiotics. I had no structural issues, my hormones were regular and all my levels were very stable. So I thought I'd give it a go. 

I took it for about a week or two, my period came and I only spotted for 2 days. I very rarely experience period cramps or period pains, this time I did. It didn't matter, as long as it was effective against the spotting. 

The next month my periods were late. My husband reassured me that it was just another late period. I started to experience period cramps and thought it was "stuck". I had a pretty rigorous daily exercise routine. Instead of 1.5hrs, I started exercising for 3hrs (ahhh lockdown life). A lot of HITT, ab work and jumping and running--- gotta get that period out, right?

One Friday morning, I decided to bite the bullet and pee on a stick, I look at the stick immediately after I peed on it and it showed ONE line - not pregnant. I wasn't phased. I placed the stick on the wrapper and slowly got up to wash my hands, clean my face, brush my teeth etc.... 

"I went to put the pregnancy

 stick in the rubbish bin and

 saw a second line. 


I was in disbelief. I sent my husband a message and he was shocked. It was the most surreal moment.

Vitex is not a miracle pregnancy pill, however I believe that it did help me to regulate my periods and that my ovulation overlapped with the spotting. Vitex is labelled as a supplement, I guess see it like you would look at collagen powder or any other supplements - not a cure all. Works for some but may not work for others. Please consult your doctor in the first instance. My GP also advised me that on average, it takes couples 1yr to conceive successfully. It took us about a year and 7 months, this baby came to us when we least expected. 

I'd love to hear your story. 

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing! I've heard people getting pregnant when they stop 'trying' or at least not thinking about it 24/7. Not long to go now!


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