
Friday, May 10, 2019


With Mother's Day just around the corner, Grampians Olive Co is being put to good use. I have made several delicious vegetarian recipes using Grampians Olive Co, you can check out my Hearty Bean Recipe  or my String Bean, Corn and Cashew receipe before scrolling down to check out this Mother's Day's deliciousness. 

Dumplings are actually ridiculously easy to make.
You can essentially use any filling you like, just make sure everything is finely chopped... veggies, meat, nuts...whatever tickles your fancy. Add some salt, pepper and a nice dose of Grampians Olive Oil, I went with their Signature Cold Pressed but you can opt for a flavoured Grampians Olive Oil.

We purchased the dumpling sheets from an Asian grocer, have a bowl of water on standby and utilise as glue.

Scoop a generous dollop of your filling mixure and place it in the centre of the sheet.

Dampen the top edge before folding the sheet

Dampen the corners then fold again!

Dampen the sides of the sheet (parts closest to your thumbs) Pull the tips together and press the dampened tips of the sheet on top of each other so they don't become unstuck... and you have your first dumpling!

 Here's a batch we prepared earlier :)

The options are endless, click here to go through the variety of Grampians Olive Oil available for you to chose from!

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