Saturday, March 25, 2017

Natura Siberica ICEA Northern Soap Detox For Deep Facial Cleansing Review

There has been a fair share of unique cleansers lately and this cleanser is topping the chart. The soap is made of activated carbon (charcoal), which is a great absorbent, and of wild herbs and berry extracts. This product is best used on a weekly basis to really draw out all the impurities from your pores. To be honest, I haven't used soap for a long time and haven't been so excited for a soap until I saw this product. As you may already know, a lot of Natura Siberica's core ingredients are wild harvested for eco-sustainability.

You will find a generous tub of soap and a sponge in the packet. Prior to each use I would wet the sponge thoroughly.

I personally like to use this soap as a second cleanse. I would clean all my makeup off my face first just so the pot of soap doesn't get contaminated with traces of foundation.

Following application I like to gently massage my face with the sponge, leaving the product on for a few minutes then washing my face in lukewarm water.

The end result is impressive. I have always known about the magical properties of charcoal and to see it in beauty products is a dream come true. This is truly a deep cleansing soap, my face did not feel dry, my pores were cleansed and tightened. My face just looked clean and sebum-less!!! Haha it's so hard to explain, so I decided to make a short demo clip below!


Disclaimer: The product featured in this post was provided for editorial purpose.


  1. This looks great! I'm really interested in beauty products with charcoal, and can't wait to start trying more of them!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  2. Love charcoal-based beauty products, they just feel so clarifying!

  3. I am loving the sound of this cleanser. The mix of natural ingredients and the activated charcoal to draw out impurities...yes please! Will have to give this one a try ♥


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