Sunday, October 8, 2017

Lazy Girl's Evening Skincare Routine

I've increased my skincare focus this year and I would usually have a pretty intensive skincare routine.... cos you know, with age and stuff..

But half the time I am so exhausted after work, cooking, cleaning, making lunch and catching up on social media that by the time I get to bed, it's already midnight. On those days, the last thing I possibly want to do is to spend 10-15mins putting on skincare. 

I have since been condensing my skincare for lazy days.


Due to my troubled dry and dehydrated skin, the first thing I do after shower is to always spritz my face with toner water or mist, at the moment I am using Lush Tea Tree Water it does not leave a filmy residual and particularly good for bad skin days.


Whilst my skin is still damp from the mist, I would use a high performing facial oil, lately I am using USPA Age Defying Elixir with Sandalwood I took this to Brisbane with me and loved it so much that I have continued to use it. The Sandalwood scent is relaxing for bed time.


I can NEVER go to bed without using an eye cream, Natura Siberica Snow Cladonia Eye Cream does a good job at hydrating my under eye area and absorbs fairly quickly. The eye cream itself is actually green, but don't let that turn you off cos it's actually a really beautiful product.

Check out my Natura Siberica landing page here.


The last and final step is something that I occasionally skip, but most of the time I'd finish off by lathering moisturiser all over my neck (and on my boyfriend's face). I am using Clinelle Hydracalm Cream.

Products featured were provided for editorial purpose

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