Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Autumn is the perfect weather for being lazy and a natural glow. Winter is often too close and my skin gets too dry to enable a natural glow, whereas summer is too hot causing my pores to ooze out oil and shine. Everything ends up looking sweaty. This in between weather is perfect. I have been super lazy, especially on late nights, so I often opt for this two step routine.


I don't tend to wear a lot of make up during the weekend. If I do it's quite minimal. However the first thing I do when I get up on a Saturday or Sunday is cleanse my face. I have been using Scout Cosmetics Daily Revitalise Cleansing Crème. I have not been a big fan of cleansing cream until I started using it with a cleansing device. Now I love it. I dispense 3 pumps of this cleansing cream onto my dampened cleansing device and gently cleanse/massage my face to rid overnight skincare and gunk. This cleanser is very gentle with subtle scents. 


Following a good cleanse, I normally put on some eye cream and seal the deal with an oil if I am not heading out. I have been using Scout Six Oils of Rejuvenation in the morning (Avocado, Carrot Seed, Sunflower, Evening Primrose, Sweet Almond, Rosehip and Jojoba Seed oils). My skin can be quite dry and dehydrated so this is perfect. At night, I drop about 5 droplets of oil on my palm to apply to my entire face and neck, I go easy in the morning with 3-4 drops. I like to dry the oil between my palms and press the product into my skin. It gives me a really beautiful natural glow and does wonders for my skin. Look how good it's been below! And the scent can takes a bit of getting use to, but I think it's very relaxing and herbal. Similar to what my yoga instructor spritz in the air at the end of class! 

Bare skin with Scout's oil only!

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