Friday, March 10, 2017

The Beauty Chef Hydration Inner Beauty Boost

If you have been following my blog for some time, you'd know that I had a lot of acne issues and used a variety of different products from skincare to medication and natural tablets to help with my break outs. Well.... since I started my new skincare journey and started adding The Beauty Chef Glow Advanced Beauty Powder  into my yoghurt, my break out pretty much stopped with the exception of hormonal pimples, the Powder is designed for glowy skin and gut health - I've always had issues with my gut, and I genuinely think The Beauty Chef had something to do with the wellbeing of my gut!


  • A delicious, organic biofermented and coconut infused probiotic designed to support gut health and enhance skin radiance from the inside out.
  • To be taken as a daily shot of extra nutritional support. Hydration Inner Beauty Boost combines organic coconut water, aloe vera and lemon myrtle to combat dry, dull skin, ageing and fine lines as well as free radical damage.
  • When mixed with water, the formula is activated to help improve gut health, circulation and oxygenation of the blood to boost overallskin health.
  • Contains 6 billion digestive balancing probiotics per 15ml serve along with prebiotics, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and plant nutrients.
  • No artificial colouring, flavouring or preservatives.
  • Dairy sugar and gluten free.
  • Each bottle contains 33 x 15ml serves of concentrate to be mixed with 200ml of water.
Price: $39.95


  • The Beauty Chef Hydration encouraged me to start a great morning habit. I have always been told that digestion is boosted by drinking a cup of water on empty stomach every morning. Since the body has gone 6-8hours without a single drop of water, and is likely to be dehydrated. As a result, I have been putting a tablespoon of Hydration Inner Beauty Boost into my cup of water every single morning.
  • It makes my water taste yummy, there's a sweetness and coconut flavour, making the cup of water extremely easy to drink every morning. This is great for people who enjoy coconut favours, I actually look forward to this routine every morning.
  • It's difficult to tell whether the quality of my skin has improved from using this product only, however I can verify that ever since I have been using The Beauty Chef's products, my gut health has improved significantly, I've had irregular bowel movements for some time, since The Beauty Chef, my bowel movement is now more frequent and more or less regulated on a daily basis. This is getting a little bit detailed isn't it!


Have you tried The Beauty Chef products?
Disclaimer: The product featured in this post was provided for editorial purpose, all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't, but I've been wanting to try the Glow powder for ages as I've heard good things about it. Would be fun to put a bit in the smoothies I sometimes have for breakfast.


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