Sunday, September 24, 2017


I am so happy and proud to announce that I have officially joined the Natura Siberica family! I have been extremely and fortunate to be a part of a bloody awesome program. If you have been following my blog, I have previously written about Natura Siberica, what sucked me in was their product quality and ethical practices/wild harvesting - sustainability is absolute key.

I am wooed by environmental appeal, it tops the chart and is on par or possibly even more important than visual aesthetics.

As a perk of joining the Natura Siberica family, they are offering 15% off your first order using LILYNOTLOUISE and Free Shipping when you spend $35 or more. 

Ok, since I believe in 100% transparency across my platforms I just want everyone to know that this is an affiliate program, there is absolutely no pressure in purchasing (don't worry guys, I have a day job! I'm not really about making money via the blog, but if I do, it's great and I chuck it on grocery). It is however, a fantastic way to try Natura Siberica if you are curious.

I can't wait to introduce you guys to the products, if there's a product you are particularly interested in, pop it in a comment below.

Oh and don't forget to check out my Natura Siberica landing page.

The products featured were provided for editorial purpose, this is an affiliate program with monthly sponsorship. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The 24K Gold Face Peel sounds like it would be an amazing product!



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